In fact ... I would suggest "ONLY" if there is chocolate involved!
Our task here was to take a pack of M&M's and organise them according to colour. With the M&M's candy colour chart sheet provided, we coloured a block for each M&M that we drew from the pack to thus create a bar graph of our findings. This bar graph could have then been represented in a variety of ways, using the Microsoft Excel program (bar graphs, pie charts etc.,) and the activity extended by incorporating further exploration. For eg: combining whole class findings to create new data; looking at costings of the product; exploring what the packaging says about the product; using prediction techniques.
As a future teacher however, I am well aware of the healthy food policy that most schools have implemented, and so of course would possibly suggest using fruit or coloured wooden blocks for this exercise .... if I had to ...
Nevertheless, at the end of a long day, with my teacher's cap hung on it's hook by the door ... again, I vote chocolate ;-)
" Dust Echoes is one way that we are bringing everyone back to the same campfire - black and white."
Ok, so today we also had to use the program 'Inspiration' to create a diagram which retells one of the dreamtime stories from the website:
From this website filled with stunning images and stories, I chose "The Curse". A tale of the spirit of Namorrodor, who is summoned by the witchdoctor man and terrorises the camp.
Although the task at hand was about taking the story and retelling it, I decided to approach it by looking at the main parts of storytelling. I focused on character, setting, problem and resolution, while also making sure to include the history and culture which surrounds this tale.
I chose to use a mix of different style text bubbles and images to complete my diagram, which although is not text heavy, is to me at least, aesthetically pleasing :-D
The beauty of such a program is that there are many ways in which a student could approach this task. This caters perfectly to multiple intelligences in the classroom and the different methods children could apply, to ensure that they are learning in the most productive way for them. This is a site and a program I will definitely remember for my own classroom.